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BJ3 Registration Form

To register please fill out the following form.

Number of Sessions
Monthly Subscription

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Please fill out these forms after you have registered. It is required before the start of any session. 

BJ3 Basic Information Form

Please provide the information below.

Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition or any other medical condition and recommended only medically supervised physical activity?
Are you pregnant now or have given birth within the last 6 months?
How can a BJ3 Sports and Fitness help you? Please check that which applies.

In order to increase your chances of being successful at achieving your goals, a certain protocol should be followed. Please ensure all your goals are 'SMART'. S= Specific (Provide details, how long, how much etc.) M= Measurable (How will you measure whether you've reached your goals) A= Attainable (Be realistic, set smaller goals) R = Rewards-Based (Attach a reward to each goal) T = Time Frame (Set specific dates for goals)

Thanks for submitting!


BJ3 Release & Knowledge of Agreement

Please review the entire agreement and sign and initial.

, wish to participate in the exercise and training program offered by BJ3 Sports and Fitness. I understand there are inherent risks in participating in a program of strenuous exercise. I agree that BJ3 Sports and Fitness shall not be liable or responsible for any injuries to me resulting from my participation in the fitness program (whether at home, at the training studio, outdoors, or at a corporate, commercial, residential or other fitness facility) and I expressly release and discharge BJ3 Sports and Fitness, its owners, employees, agents and/or assigns, from all claims, actions, judgments and the like which I or my heirs, executors, administrators or assigns may have or claim to have as a result of any injury or other damage which may occur in connection with my participation in the fitness program, excepting only an injury caused by the gross negligence or intentional act of such person or persons. This Release shall be binding upon my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. I have read and understand this term (input initials below).

2) I certify that the answers to the questions outlined on the PAR-Q form are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that medical clearance is required if I have answered "Yes"• to any of the questions on the PAR-Q form. I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to inform BJ3 Sports and Fitness of any conditions or changes in my health, now and ongoing, which might affect my ability to exercise safely and with minimal risk of injury. I have read and understand this term (input initials below).

Thanks for submitting!

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